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Before you start the Delegate Registration (#1), the School Permission Form/ Teacher Decorum (#2) must be ready to upload. 

Added form: Instructions to Register Thespys in Open Water, now Form #4

All forms on this page are available on December 11.

The Meal Ticket Form will be available by January 20, 2025.

PLEASE SCROLL DOWN and read each numbered item.  There are SIX forms that need to be addressed in order to fully participate in the festival. The Delegate Registration Worksheets can help you compile the student and chaperone information before you begin.  Please use the worksheets to gather the information. 


The Delegate Registration (#1) and the Play Tech Form (#3) will be active from December 11, 2024 until FRIDAY, Jan. 17, 2025 (Deadline to submit).  


To purchase Meal Tickets to be used on the Coastal Carolina campus,                                                of the page.   This form is not ready at this time, but will be on January 20.  Deadline to submit meal ticket order is Thursday, February 6.


In case you need the timeline for due dates: 

As updates occur, they will appear on this document

FORMS- Click to open

Form #2 must be signed by the principal to be uploaded with Form #1. Forms #1- #3 have a deadline to be submitted by Friday, January 19, 2024. Forms #5 and #6 must be brought to the Festival by the sponsor.

Please open this document FIRST for instructions and a CHECKLIST for all items to be submitted by JANUARY 17, 2025!


Delegate Registration is to register individuals for the festival and for Thespian events.  School Permission Form (located below) and a PO must be uploaded.  Have these ready to upload before you start the registration.  Links for the Senior Awards and STO Applications will be sent to Registered Delegates after January 21- no later than January 23.


Download the SCHOOL PERMISSION and TEACHER DECORUM form, have the school principal sign both forms, then scan and upload a scanned PDF with the Delegate Registration Form by January 17!


If you have scheduling issues with Thespys or the One Act, please use this form.

If presenting a One-Act (Professional) at the 2025 Festival, please register the play with this link.  The One-Act Schedule is created based on time of submission.    DEADLINE: Friday, Jan. 17!


Direct Link to register all Thespy entries for the 2025 Festival.  Deadline: Thursday, February 6

This is a link to a Google Slide, and within the presentation is a the LINK to EdTA's Open Water. 

REMINDER: All Thespy entries must be registered in Open Water. This is where partners (duets and group members) and play titles will be listed for adjudication. The list of Thespy entries in Open Water MUST correspond with what was registered in the Delegate Registration.   DEADLINE: Thursday February 6!


Download and print/copy as needed. Each delegate must have the Parental Consent form and the Festival Conduct form filled out before attending the festival. Multiple signatures are required.  This form will NOT be submitted; instead, the Sponsor will have it on hand in case it is needed at the festival.


If a school has a Thespian Troupe and is wanting to be considered for  Chapter Select please download the ITS Community & Standards form.    The principal must sign the form before it can be uploaded with the Delegate Registration or brought to the Site Registration.  Your school must be signed up for the PDA ONE ACT Festival to be considered!

Pre-Ordered Meal Tickets:


Meal Tickets for the Dining Hall are $10

Box Lunches at Wheelwright Aud. are $14


The Cino Grille in the Student Union accepts cash and cards and is NOT a meal ticket option.

Deadline to submit: Friday, Feb. 7. Must have a Purchase Order if not paying by credit card at time of order submission.

Information- about each Form

Registration is $40 per student

​For Seniors who plan to audition for the Senior Thespian Scholarship and/or apply for the Blair Beasley Award- there is an 

additional fee of $15


Registration is $20 per Chaperone.  Each school can register ONE sponsor free of charge.


Please have the Purchase Order BEFORE you register so that the Invoice Date is posted after the PO date, OR have your credit card ready to pay ONLINE.  There is an 4% up-charge to pay online.



If paying by check, please remit to:


c/o Rock Hill High School

320 W. Springdale Rd.

Rock Hill, SC 29730

Attn: Stephanie Daniels


If you need an updated W-9 or a Vendor Sheet filled out, please contact Anne Lavely at

School Permission and Teacher Decorum forms must be UPLOADED with the Delegate Registration! However, PDF Forms must be DOWNLOADED and SAVED on a computer before being filled in. Your responses will not be saved if typed within the webpage. Documents then need to be printed for signatures and scanned to be uploaded. 

This schedule will be updated as events and workshops are finalized.  The One-Act schedule is set. 2/4/25


The following link lists hotels in Myrtle Beach with group rates, and hotels in Conway near the Host Site, COASTAL CAROLINA U.:

 Looking for information about the One Act Festival- including Technical Information? Information can be found on the PDA One-Act page.

 Looking for Thespys Critique Sheets or information about Chapter Select or Student Thespian Officers? Those are located on the Thespian  page.

 Looking for the PDA Awards or Thespian Senior Audition documents? Those are located on the Scholarship  page.

© 2025 by Palmetto Dramatic Association & SC Thespians. Proudly created with

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