2025 PDA One-Act Festival
Coastal Carolina University, Conway
Titles and Play Summaries for the One Act festival can be found in this document:
Titles are listed as they will be performed at the festival. Updated 2/4/25
Schools must register by the December deadline in order to participate in the FESTIVAL.
$50- School Registration
$50- One-Act Registration for
Professional Plays
School Registration is now closed.
Payment (or Purchase Order) must be received in order to reserve a Play Title. No duplicate entries are allowed.
DELEGATE REGISTRATION (Participants must be individually registered) will occur after School Registration closes and be due with payment by mid-January.
One-Act Main Stage Performances
One-Act Stage Performances are presented through out the weekend on the Main Stage.
RATINGS: Superior, Excellent, and Honorable Mention
Please remember, PDA is a Festival, NOT a competition. Schools are NOT rated against each other. Adjudicators are professionals, college professors, and theatre educators. An attempt is made to provide a variety of judges from year to year. Suggestions are welcome. Festival judges utilize a "rating sheet" created and revised by the PDA Board of Directors for the one-act plays.
Play Guidelines
No plays that have been performed at the festival within the past two years may be presented. Ineligible plays are listed to the right.
No duplicate entries are allowed. The second school to submit a play title will be asked to make another selection or to withdraw with a refund for the one-act fee only. Schools are highly encouraged to submit the play title with the School Registration Form (available September 27).
40 minute time limit, including set-up and strike.
One professional play entry (musical or non-musical) per school. A school may perform an original script but will be adjudicated as if it is a professional published script.
Focus should be on acting and directing; keep the technical elements SIMPLE.
NOTE: ALL set pieces must fit in a 8ft X 8ft storage space
The 2025 Host Site stage dimensions, light and sound equipment, and instructions are available through this link:
Festival Updates will occur more frequently as we approach the festival dates. ​
Ineligible Plays for the 2025 Festival
There is a TWO YEAR hold on scripts that can be performed.
Presented at the 2024 Festival
30 Minutes to Charlie by Nick Zagone
Property Rites by Alan Haehnel
Her Senior Year by Cody Moree
Puffs by Matt Cox
Abrasion by Lexi Melton (original script)
The Inexplicable Chaos Factor of Mia Gregory by Emily Hageman
At the Bottom of Lake Missoula by Ed Monk
This Girl Laughs, This Girl Cries, This Girl Does Nothing
by Fingean Kruckymeyer
Fortress by Michael Scanlan
Bystander 9/11 by Meron Langsner
A Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare
ALiCE Adapted by Jerome McDonough
The Mysterious Case of the Mysterious Case by Paul Meloon
An Experiment by Brent Holland
Carl the Second by Marc Palmieri
When She Had Wings by Suzan Zeder
Antigone by Sophocles
Every Brilliant Thing by Duncan Macmillan with Jonny Donahoe
In the Dark by Lauren Brown (original)
The Mountain Song by Pig-Pen Theatre Company
21 Chump Street by Lin Manuel Miranda
Tracks by Peter Tarsi
Frühlings Erwachen by Frank Wedekind
Silenced on Barbour Street by William Prenetta
S.P.A.R. by Stephen Gregg
The Zoo Story by Edward Albee
The Play That Goes Wrong by H. Lewis, J. Sayer, & H. Shields
Presented at the 2023 Festival
A Look on the Inside by Ty Ricard
Tribunal by Alan Haehnel
Anatomy of Gray by Jim Leonard Jr.
For Tiger Lilies Out of Season by Andrea Green
Danse Macabre by L. Don Swartz
Why Do We Laugh by Stephen Gregg
The Dancers by Horton Foote
Supressed Desires by Susan Glaspell
Epic Fail by Bradley Hayward
Love at First Thought by Shawn Deal
The Day the internet Died by Ian McWethy and Jason Pizzarello
Speed Date by Janet Allard
My California by Lisa D'Amour
The 146 Point Flame by Matt Thompson
Mac Beth by Erica Schmidt
In the Garden of the Selfish Giant by Sandra Fenichel Asher
The Elephant's Graveyard by By George Brant
The Least Offensive Play in the Whole Darn World by Jonathan Rand
Romeo and Juliet by William Shakeapeare
Silent Sky by Lauren Gunderson
The Velveteen Rabbit by Elise Kauzlaric
The Spot by Steven Dietz
Treasure Island by Todd Espeland
Who Killed Broadway by Meredith T. Taylor
Picnic at Hanging Rock by Joan Lindsay, Laura Annawyn Shamas
Anon(ymous) by Naomi Iizuka
The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon (one-act) by Don Zolidis
To view the critique sheet that the Judges use at the PDA One Act Festival, click One-Act Rubric:
Thespian Chapter Select
​Any Thespian school that would like to perform their one-act at Nationals must indicate the desire to be screened during the PDA One-Act Festival for a slot in Select Showcase (formerly the Regional Play Marathon) at the International Thespian Festival. If more than one school wants to advance, a representative from EdTA will make the final selection.
1. Schools must register in January
2. There is a $20 fee to be considered for Chapter Select Showcase at our festival.
3. The Community Standards & Copyright Form must be submitted at registration in February.
The deadline for Original One Acts was Thursday, Dec. 5, 2024.
The top three ORIGINAL scripts will be presented in READER'S THEATRE FORMAT during the festival. The performances WILL NOT be part of the Main Stage Productions. Thespys Playwriting entries must be submitted as well. For more information about the Original One-Acts, please click the button below:
To learn more about the Blair Beasley Performance and the Joe Timmons, III Technical Award for Seniors, go to the Senior Awards Page: