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Rules and policies for the 2025 Thespys: 

REMINDER:  If an ineligible title has been listed in Open Water, the entry will be DISQUALIFIED and students will not be allowed to perform.  Check to make sure the title of the piece is on the Green List for Thespys before listing it in Open Water.  There will not be any substitutions allowed after submission. 

If you have any questions about the new Thespys updates, contact: Dakota Demato

The following links give an overview of the guidelines and rubrics that guide the Thespys competition.  Click on the link and you will be directed to the EdTA ITS Thespian website.




Any delegate of the PDA/SC ITS festival may participate in the Thespian workshops and Thespys competition.  However, only current members of the International Thespian Society may move on to the National competition if receiving a Superior.  There are new guidelines and rules about what selections students may use for their performance pieces. 


Teachers and students are expected to know these new updates (presentation link above) and understand that disqualifications may happen BEFORE the festival begins if the rules/copyright terms are not followed.​​​


REMINDER: Entries in the Thespys Playwriting category must be submitted at the same time as the PDA Original One-Act Competition during the first week of December. Deadline is past. For more information, go to the Original Script page: 



Senior Thespian Auditions are open to inducted Senior Thespians who are planning to major or minor in an area of Theatre Arts. Seniors who are active Thespians (inducted into a troupe, participating on a regular basis) AND plan to major or minor in the communicative arts are eligible to apply and audition for the Senior Thespian Scholarship.  For more information, please go to the Senior Awards page:



Student Thespian Officers are open to Sophomores and Juniors who are active Thespians. Any Inducted Thespian is eligible to apply for a role as a STUDENT THESPIAN OFFICER (STO). Interested students must fill out the online application (sent to the student after Delegate Registration)and must be registered to attend the PDA/SCITS Festival in February with their school for the current and following year.  



Note: With the STO Application, the email address for the Teacher, School Counselor, and Parent must be added to the Delegate Registration for the correct links to be sent to those individuals who will need to finish the application.


Chapter Select  For schools wanting to be considered for the opportunity to perform their one-act at the National convention in June, the school must:

  1. Register with the January Delegate Registration form for Chapter Select,

  2. Pay the $20 fee with the January Delegate Registration

  3. Submit the Standards & Copyright Form with the Principal's Signature at Registration in February.

Any school that would like to participate in the PDA/SC Thespian festival must register by the December deadline in order to participate:



SCHOOL REGISTRATION  link is now closed.

Still a little confused or overwhelmed about what the festival is all about? More detailed information about the organization of the Festival is one click away.

Events for 2025: All-State Auditions deadline extended to January 10th.

All-State Theatre (Musical Theatre & Acting) will be a recognition program and production performance experience that is created to enhance the theme of the Thespian Festival and to showcase the amazingly talented thespians of our state. Selected All State Thespians will perform a musical number and a reading for the Closing Awards Ceremony

DEADLINE to submit a Video Audition is SUNDAY, Dec. 22 has been extended to Friday, January 10th!!

The Application Deadline was extended to Friday, December 20th.

Thespian Honor Troupe Recognition:  A program to recognize the hard work of the teachers and students in SC Thespian troupes.

  • There is no limit to the number of troupes that can apply or be recognized each year. 

  • The Honor Troupe Application is specific to the immediate past school year (2023-24)

  • Points are awarded based on all work/activities that a troupe participated in throughout the last school year from August 1 - July 31.


Honor Troupe Application Point Breakdown can be found here.​​​

Want to start a Troupe?  Need to get to International Thespian Society home page? Click the Thespian Icon!

ITS National Festival 
June 2025
at Indiana University

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© 2025 by Palmetto Dramatic Association & SC Thespians. Proudly created with

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